Who’s Who

Claudia Astudillo-Garcia
National Institute of Geriatrics, Mexico
Claudia Astudillo-Garcia is a researcher within the Mexico country team.

Claudia Iveth Astudillo-Garcia
Psychiatric Care Services, Ministry of Health, Mexico
Claudia Astudillo Garcia is a researcher in Psychiatric Care Services, Ministry of Health in Mexico. She has a PhD in Public Health Sciences with a specialisation in Epidemiology. Her work focuses on mental health epidemiology, methodology and analysis of information, as well as training of human resources in mental health.

Luis Miguel Gutiérrez Robledo
National Institute of Geriatrics, Mexico
Dr Luis Gutiérrez currently serves as Director General of the National Institute of Geriatrics at the National Institutes of Health in Mexico. He trained in France in geriatric medicine and the biology of ageing.

Mariana López Ortega
National Institute of Geriatrics, Mexico
Mariana López-Ortega currently works as Researcher at the National Institute of Geriatrics, National Institutes of Health in Mexico City.

Rosa Farres Gonzalez Saravia
Mexican Alzheimer's Federation, Mexico
Rosa Farres has a degree in Special Education and a specialization in Family Dynamics, she also has a Diploma in Alzheimer's Disease. She is president of the Mexican Civil Association of Alzheimers and Similar Diseases (AMAES) in Mexico City, and was president of the Mexican Federation of Alzheimers (FEDMA) from 2018-2022. Rosa is the daughter of a person with dementia.