Rachael Litherland

Rachael Litherland

08 Feb 2024


Rachael Litherland

Rachael has been a co-director at Innovations in Dementia since it’s set-up in 2007. She has a background in psychology and advocacy. Innovations in Dementia works with people with dementia to inspire different conversations about dementia, promoting a positive but realistic view of dementia. Rachael supports the involvement of people with dementia in a range of research projects, including “Dementia Enquirers” a programme of research led by people with dementia. Rachael is proud to have helped to set up the DEEP network, hosted by Innovations in Dementia – a UK wide network of over 80 involvement groups of people with dementia. Before Innovations in Dementia, she developed and managed the national ‘Living with Dementia’ programme for Alzheimer’s Society. Rachael is also a research fellow at the University of Exeter, exploring the co-production of self-management resources with people with dementia.