Martin Knapp
Martin Knapp
11 Nov 2019
EnglandWP02 Stride training
WP07 Models of care
WP09 Management
WP10 Impact
WP11 Collaborations
WP12 Covid-19

Martin Knapp is Professor of Social Policy and Professorial Research Fellow within CPEC at LSE. He is the Principal Investigator for the STRiDE project. He has also been Director of the NIHR School for Social Care Research since 2009. His current research emphases are primarily dementia, child and adult mental health, autism and long-term social care; much of his work has an economic focus, and in all of it he seeks to tease out the policy implications. He has published almost 600 peer-review journal papers and 15 books. His work has had numerous impacts on policy and practice in these areas.