DESK REVIEWS | 08.01.06. What is the average income of an informal care worker?

DESK REVIEW | 08.01.06. What is the average income of an informal care worker?

The average monthly salary is minimum wage R$ 1,039.00 (US$ 248.60 – 24.01.2020).

Please refer to the information provided under 08.01.05. No further information is available.

This section to be updated soon.

According to ILO, 46% of the adult domestic workers and 29% of the young domestic helpers (aged 10-17 years old) earn IDR 1 million per month (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2019b).


Badan Pusat Statistik. (2019b). Statistik Penduduk Lanjut Usia di Indonesia 2019. xxvi + 258 halaman.

The monthly pay for an informal care worker (in general including those taking care of a person with dementia) greatly varies depending on the location but without health care insurance. For instance, those in informal settlements would be paid 3,500 Kenya Shillings (35USD), Kenya’s capital city-Nairobi (7,000 Kenya Shillings (70USD)), high end homes – but mostly degree holders (15,000 to 40,000 Kenya Shillings (150 to 400USD)). The current regulations demand that the informal workers should be paid at least 13,200 Kenya Shillings (USD 132) (Venas News, 2019).


Venas News. (2019). Salary of a Maid/House help in Kenya 2019. VENASNEWS, 24 Janyary. Nairobi, Kenya.


No data available as no disaggregated data on carers, whom they care for, and the type/intensity of care provided has been gathered.

Informal carers are believed to earn less than R1001 per month (Yakubu & Schutte, 2018).


Yakubu, Y. A., & Schutte, D. W. (2018). Caregiver attributes and socio-demographic determinants of caregiving burden in selected low-income communities in cape town, South Africa. Journal of Compassionate Health Care, 5(3), 1–10.