DESK REVIEWS | Adult day centres
DESK REVIEW | Adult day centres
Not specifically for dementia, but they exist and can be used by older people in general (only by those who are independent). It is more for health promotion than for care.
Yes. As of March 2020, there are 87 government subsidised day care centres and 80 self-financing day care centres (Social Welfare Department, 2020b). Older people aged 60 and over being assessed by Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly Services and having moderate or severe level of impairment, are suitable for day care service provided by Social Welfare Department, otherwise they can select self-financed services.
Social Welfare Department. (2020b). Day Care Centres/Units for the Elderly. Retrieved from
Yes, there are few adult day-care centres across the country (table 7.2).
We are aware of examples of private day care provision; however, this may only be offered to small groups of the population. (RSJ Dr. Radjiman Wediodiningrat, 2016; RUKUN Senior Living, n.d.-a).
RSJ Dr. Radjiman Wediodiningrat. (2016). Psikogeriatri – Klinik Daycare ADIYUSWA.
RUKUN Senior Living. (n.d.-a). Dementia Day Program. Retrieved September 7, 2019, from
There is no available information on existence of adult day centres in Kenya.
No publicly funded day centres specialised in people with dementia are available. The only centres available belong to the private sector, both profit and not-for-profit. There is no data available to document if people with dementia attend non-specialised day centres; however, it is highly unlikely as these cater and require that older adults attending the centre are “functional and independent”.
For adult day centres or respite care services, some LTCFs offer these services in South Africa although it’s unclear how many do. According to an online search directory named ‘Fyple’ (see, there are 4 adult day care centres in the private sector in South Africa (see However, this excludes any community, lifestyle, and social centres (e.g., luncheon clubs, faith-based organisations) that host daily or weekly services where older adults from communities gather to socially engage and participate in group activities. These data do not exist.