DESK REVIEWS | If available, the number of people who received community-based care (most recent estimate)

DESK REVIEW | If available, the number of people who received community-based care (most recent estimate)

The estimates in relation to dementia are not available.

There is no specific data on people living with dementia who received these community-based care. However, we know that 27.84% of total older people in Indonesia received community-based care in Puskesmas in 2017 (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2017). In 2019, this figure grew up to 28.39% for men and 31.17% for women receiving community-based care from Puskesmas/Pustu. In addition, there were 3.19% of older men and 4.13% of older women who accessed UKBM (Upaya Kesehatan Berbasis Masyarakat), which covers Posyandu, Poskesdes, and POD/WOD. Posyandu, Poskesdes POD/WOD are services provided in villages or rural areas with the goal to support health services. Warung Obat Desa or Pos Obat Desa (WOD/POD) provides basic pharmacy services (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2019b).


Badan Pusat Statistik. (2017). Statistik Penduduk Lanjut Usia 2017. xxvii + 258 halaman.

Badan Pusat Statistik. (2019b). Statistik Penduduk Lanjut Usia di Indonesia 2019. xxvi + 258 halaman.

No estimates available on the number of people who receive dementia-specific community-based care.

There are no estimates on the number of people who receive community-based care for dementia (through private residential homes) available.

No information available.

All people receiving funded community-based care must undergo a formal needs assessment utilising the interRAI suite (Ministry of Health, 2018). For the 2019/20 year, 28% of those receiving a home care assessment and 49% of those receiving a long-term care facility assessment had a diagnosis of dementia. Assuming one assessment per person, this equates to ~8700 people with dementia in the community and ~18,000 people with dementia in aged residential care.


Ministry of Health. (2018). interRAI. Minstry of Health website. Available from:,and%20in%20aged%20residential%20care.

No data available for dementia-specific community-based care (no monitoring and surveillance of dementia in South Africa).