DESK REVIEWS | Social and financial protection and benefit
DESK REVIEW | Social and financial protection and benefit
Yes, but not specifically for people living with dementia.
Yes. Please refer to ‘Part 9: Social Protection for People with Dementia’.
The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016, states that a disability assessment can be conducted to assess cognitive impairment for people with chronic neurological disorders. Based upon the results of this assessment, a nominal state pension can be received from the government (Government of India, 2016). Other schemes are listed in Part 9.
Government of India. (2016). The Rights Of Persons With Disabilities Act. THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY PART II.
The Ministry of Health recognises the need of a public financial insurance system specific for dementia and LTC services through the national dementia plan. Although this has not been implemented, financial aid for older people (regardless of a dementia diagnosis) in healthcare services cost has been regulated by Government Regulations (Pemerintah Pusat Republik Indonesia, 2004) and data shows that Puskesmas Santun Lansia provide lower cost geriatric services than those provided in standard Puskesmas (Indriati et al., 2013).
Furthermore, according to the 2019 older people services programme, several people in Indonesia were to benefit from social and financial protection schemes in 2019. These schemes were not specifically for people with dementia.
These include:
- ASLU: to reach 30,000 people with the value of assistance is Rp 200,000 × 12 months per older person.
- Home care: to reach 20,000 older people with assistance valued to IDR 2,000,000 per person.
- Family support: to reach 7,000 people.
- Social Assistance through Social Welfare Institutions Seniors/Asistensi Sosial Melalui Lembaga Kesejahteraan Lanjut Usia (LKS-LU), targeting 2,655 people.
- Older people who received social services through Case Response Target in 2019: 8,390 people.
- Other supporting activities including development of age-friendly neighbourhood and day care services.
- Progres LU (Program Rehabilitasi Sosial Lanjut Usia) aimed to help older people to rehabilitate and develop their social functioning ability. Progres LU consists of:
- non-cash assistance worth Rp. 200,000 per person per month,
- social care within families/community halls, in the form of social assistance of Rp. 1,200,000 per person per year through LKS-LU,
- support for relatives who are taking care of older people, in the form of non-cash social assistance of Rp. 3,000,000 per person per year,
- therapy, in the form of social assistance Rp. 1,350,000 per person per year through LKS LU,
- Social Professional Assistant for Seniors: for community social workers who coordinate and assist in older people social rehabilitation programs at all levels (national, provincial, district/city-level, rehabilitation centres). For paid Social Assistant for older people, the payment is Rp. 2,500,000 per person per month.
- Other technical support related to main activities in the program.
- Support for Accessibility for older people through Pemenuhan Hak Hidup Layak (Fulfillment of the Right to Decent Living), in the form of social assistance for older people in emergency situation with a value of Rp 750,000 per person, and Bimbingan dan Dukungan Aksesibilitas (Guidance and Accessibility Support), in the form of social assistance for older people experiencing barriers to mobility and accessibility with value in the amount of Rp. 750,000 per person (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2019b).
Badan Pusat Statistik. (2019b). Statistik Penduduk Lanjut Usia di Indonesia 2019. xxvi + 258 halaman.
Indriati, S., Oktarina, D., Santoso, K., Sikoki, B. S., & Sine, J. J. (2013). Forum Nasional IV Jaringan Kebijakan Kesehatan Penilaian Kepatuhan terhadap Standar Kebijakan Nasional untuk Pelayanan Kesehatan Lansia di Yogyakarta: Pelayanan kesehatan vs lanjut usia.
Pemerintah Pusat Republik Indonesia. (2004). Undang-Undang No. 43 Tahun 2004.
Only those above 65 years who are poor and vulnerable and none of their household members is receiving pension, regular income, or gainful employment, are entitled to cash transfers (Kshs. 4000) every two months. Those below the age of 65 years who have dementia and are classified as persons with severe disability, are also entitled to similar cash transfer. A person is required to enroll only for one of the schemes even if they qualify for both. Further details on cash transfer schemes are described in part 9 (social protection for people with dementia).
None are available.
Yes – see parts 2 and 3.
Organisations like ASA provide legal and care advice services, linking persons living with dementia and their families with other organisations that can guide and support. The State also provides social protection in the form of old age pension or a disability grant (either or). However, these are not dementia-specific.