DESK REVIEWS | How are these links initiated/maintained?

DESK REVIEW | How are these links initiated/maintained?

They are initiated by a health assessment at the primary care service and, based on that, people may be sent to more specialized services.

These services are all connected by service referrals made by professionals. These links are strongly maintained by the professional training of various types of profession involved and the referral guidelines of each party. Primary care such as private clinic of a general practitioner is usually the first point of contact of people suspected of dementia. Depending on the affordability and preferences of the older adults, referrals will be made to a specialist clinic in a public hospital or another private clinic for further investigation or diagnosis. After receiving a diagnosis, the medical team will formulate individualised treatment plans for the people with dementia, provide them with medication, cognitive training and rehabilitation services, and refer them to suitable social service agencies for follow-up in the community according to their needs. In order to use subsidised community or residential care services, same as for other older adults, people with dementia need to go through the needs assessments regulated by the Social Welfare Department.

Apart from the path previously mentioned, older adults often become in need of care before developing dementia. If existing community care service users were suspected of dementia, their service providers would be their first point of contact and would refer them to a specialist for diagnosis directly.

Public primary care facilities provide referrals to secondary/tertiary facilities. There is no established referral network between primary care services/specialist services and long-term care services in the country due to the limited availability of the latter.

The links are regulated through the Ministry of Health’s Regulation no. 1/2012 and no. 4/2018 as well as through the regulation Health Insurance Administration Body of Indonesia (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial-Kesehatan (BPJS-Kesehatan)).

As previously stated, no links specific to dementia diagnosis and management are in place.