DESK REVIEWS | The proportion of the population that smokes?

DESK REVIEW | The proportion of the population that smokes?

According to the most recent version of the National Health Survey (PNS 2013, in Portuguese), 14.7% of the population smoked in 2013, with 12.7% smoking daily. The prevalence among men was 16.2% and among women was 9.7%. The proportion of those who consumed tobacco (smoked or not) was 15%. A larger proportion of men than women consumed tobacco (19.2% versus 11.2%). People within the age group 40-59 represented higher proportion of tobacco users (19.4%), followed by those aged 60 years and over (13.3%) (Brazilian Ministry of Health, 2013b).


Brazilian Ministry of Health. (2013b). Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde 2013: Percepção do estado de saúde, estilos de vida e doenças crônicas.

According to the population health survey in 2014/2015, 27.1% of people aged 15 and above (10.8% for females and 45.0% for males) had ever smoked cigarettes. Among the elderly population, the proportion of people aged 65-74, 75-84 and ≥85 who ever smoked were 31.2%, 32.9%, and 26.1% respectively (Centre for Health Protection, 2017). Furthermore, among these people who had ever smoked cigarettes, 54.6% (49.3% for females and 56.0% for males) currently had the habit of smoking. The proportion of smokers were highest in the age group of 35 – 44 (66.9%) and lowest in the age of 85 and above (13.8%) (Centre for Health Protection, 2017).


Centre for Health Protection. (2017). Report of Population Health Survey 2014/15. Retrieved from

As per the Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2016-2017 in India, 28.6% of all adults (15 and above) are tobacco users (National Health Mission, n.d.).


National Health Mission (n.d.). Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2 Highlights India 2016-2017. Government of India. Available from:

The Basic Health Survey 2018 reported that 33.8% of the population over 15 years old consumed tobacco (smoked or chewed). This report did not state the overall proportion of tobacco smokers. However, another source suggests that approximately 9.1% of persons aged 10-18 years old are active smokers (Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, 2018).


Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. (2018). Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2018. Jakarta: Lembaga Penerbit Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan. Available at:

The Jamaica Health and Lifestyle Survey III (Ministry of Health Jamaica, 2018), reports that 26% of men and 5% of women, 15 years and older use tobacco. Of the lifetime smokers, 27% report consuming more than 100 cigarettes. Additionally, by age 19, 50% of lifetime smokers had initiated cigarette smoking and by age 11, 10% initiated the act. Marijuana use was reported by 29% of male Jamaicans and 5% of Jamaican females. The highest prevalence estimates (21%) were among the 15 to 24 age group.


Ministry of Health Jamaica. (2018). Jamaica Health and Lifestyle Survey III: Preliminary Findings.

The rapid situation assessment of the status of drug and substance abuse in Kenya in 2012 revealed that 11% all the sampled respondents (15 – 65 years) were currently smokers (National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA), 2017). In 2019 it was found that  3.2% of primary school attending children smoked (National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) and Kenya Institute For Public Policy Research And Analysis (KIPPRA), 2019). Overall, 10.1% of Kenyans use smoke, using products that include manufactured cigarettes, hand rolled cigarettes, pipes, and shisha (MoH-Kenya et al., 2015).


MoH-Kenya, KNBS, & WHO. (2015). Kenya STEPwise Survey for Non Communicable Diseases Risk Factors 2015 Report. MoH-Kenya.

National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA). (2017). The rapid situation assessment of the status of drug and substance abuse in Kenya, 2012. Nairobi, Kenya.

National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) and Kenya Institute For Public Policy Research And Analysis (KIPPRA). (2019). Status of Drugs and Substance Abuse among Primary School Pupils in Kenya. Nairobi, Kenya.

Please refer to Table 12 under part

The South African Demographic and Health survey of 2016 reports that 37% of men, compared to 7% of women, 15 years and over smoke tobacco cigarettes in South Africa (StatsSA, 2017b). Thirty percent of men and 6% of women smoke daily (StatsSA, 2017b). About 1 in 5 (21%) of adolescents smoke in South Africa, with 6.8% reportedly having their first cigarette before the age of 10 (Byrne et al., 2016).


Byrne, J., Eksteen, G., & Crickmore, C. (2016). Cardiovascular Disease Statistics Reference Document. Available from:

StatsSA. (2017b). South Africa Demographic and Health Survey: Key Indicator Report 2016. Available from: