DESK REVIEWS | The proportion of people with secondary education?

DESK REVIEW | The proportion of people with secondary education?

These data are also available in Brazil for people aged 25 years and over through the PNAD 2017 (National Household Sample Survey). Data show that 46.1% of the population completed secondary education in Brazil. However, considering secondary education as one’s most advanced level of education, this amounts to 26.8%. Yet considering these data, there are 30.6% of women in Brazil who have secondary education, while this proportion is 30.2% for men (PNAD, 2017).


PNAD. (2017). PNAD Contínua: Edição 2017.

In 2018, there are 18.3% of people aged 60 and above with lower secondary education in which 15.6% are female and 21.2% are male. There are 21.1% of people aged 60 or above with upper secondary education in which 18.4% are female and 24.1% are male (Census and Statistics Department, 2019j).


Census and Statistics Department. (2019j). Women and Men in Hong Kong – Key Statistics 2019 Edition. Hong Kong Retrieved from

According to the 2011 Census, the overall literacy rate was reported as 74.04% (65.46% for women and over 80% for men) among the Indian population (Census, of India, 2011).


Census of India. (2011). Literacy in India. Available from:

Data from Susenas (March 2018) also states that among those 15 years and older, 21.60%, declare their highest education attainment to be secondary (junior high) school, 13.82% completed senior high school and 5.63% vocational high school. A total of 4.49% have a university degree (including: diploma for 1-3 years education, bachelor’s degree, and postgraduate degrees).

In urban areas, among males in this age group, 20.97% declared junior high school to be their highest educational attainment for males, 27.97% reported senior high school, 8.80% vocational high school, and 12.06% a university degree. For females, these percentages are 20.92%, 24.65%, 5.92%, and 12.35%, respectively. In rural areas, 22.22% of males reported junior high school to be their highest educational attainment. 15.42% completed senior high school, 4,36% vocational high school and 4.16% a university degree. For females, these percentages were 20.98%, 12.22%, 2.61%, and 4.82%, respectively (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2019a).


Badan Pusat Statistik. (2019a). Berita Resmi Statistik.

In 2012, the GER in secondary school for Kenya was 67.6% (Knoema, 2019c). Data on NER in secondary school is currently unavailable.


Knoema. (2019c). World Data Atlas: World and regional statistics, national data, maps, rankings.


In 2015, 24% completed secondary school, 22% completed high school[1] (3 years between secondary and undergraduate education), 19% completed graduate/undergraduate education (university, technical colleges, etc.), 6% reported no formal education, and the remaining (14%) reported uncompleted primary or secondary school (some years attended but not graduated/finished) (INEGI, 2015b). On average, population 15 years and older in Mexico have 9.2 years of schooling, which would be equivalent to completing secondary education school and 93.6% of this same age group knows how to read and write (literacy).

[1] Starting in 2018, public compulsory education in Mexico comprises preschool (3 years, starting at age 3), primary education (6 years) and secondary education (3 years). For those 15 years and older at the time of the Inter-Census, compulsory education was comprised of primary (6 years) and secondary (3 years) education.


INEGI. (2015b). Encuesta Intercensal 2015 Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía, 1, 85–90.

Table 42: School leavers by age, ethnicity, and qualification (Ministry of Education, n.d.)

Below Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 University entrance
Age 15 80.85 14.99 3.99 0.17 0.00
Age 16 41.19 29.15 27.19 1.82 0.65
Age 17 4.36 8.05 33.69 15.69 38.19
Age 18 2.05 2.51 17.95 19.49 58.00
Age 19 15.05 11.11 31.21 19.75 22.88
Age 20+ 54.08 8.36 15.02 12.30 10.23
Total 12.30 9.24 25.00 14.74 38.71


Table 43

Below level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 University entrance
European/Pākehā 9.57 8.48 25.29 12.89 43.77
Māori 21.75 13.55 29.10 16.97 18.63
Pacific 15.77 10.54 27.35 23.58 22.76
Total 12.12 9.09 24.77 14.64 39.38



Ministry of Education. (n.d.). School Leaver’s Attainment. Education Counts website. Available from:

Census 2011 data indicates that 27.8% (i.e. 6 362 982) of men and 27.5% (i.e. 6 913 982) of women in South African has attained secondary education (StatsSA, 2015a).


StatsSA. (2015a). Census 2011: A profile of education enrolment, attainment and progression in South Africa. Available from: