DESK REVIEWS | 06.02.08. What is the average number of years lived by people who have with dementia?

DESK REVIEW | 06.02.08. What is the average number of years lived by people who have with dementia?

No information was found specifically regarding dementia in this question. However, a longitudinal study conducted in São Paulo on Life Expectancy with Cognitive Impairment (LEWCI) showed that at the age of 60 years LEWCI was 1.9 years among men but varied between 3.4 years for men with no schooling and 0.6 years for men with 8 years of schooling. For women, the LEWCI was 3.1 years, varying from 4.5 years among women with no schooling to 1.0 years among those with 8 years of schooling (Andrade et al., 2019).


Andrade, F. C. D., Corona, L. P., & de Oliveira Duarte, Y. A. (2019). Educational Differences in Cognitive Life Expectancy Among Older Adults in Brazil. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 67(6), 1218–1225.

In 2006, a study estimated that there was a difference of 7 years of life expectancy at age 60 between people with and without dementia. The life expectancy of male and female with dementia at age 60 were 16 and 22 respectively (Yu et al., 2010).

Table 6.5. Life expectancy of general population and population with or without dementia by gender in 2006  (Yu et al., 2010).

  General population Population without dementia Population with dementia Difference
  Life expectancies a age 60 (Years)
Male 22 23 16 7
Female 27 29 22 7

Yu, R., Chau, P. H., McGhee, S. M., Cheung, W. L., Chan, K. C., Cheung, S. H., & Woo, J. (2010). Dementia Trends: Impact of the Ageing Population and Societal Implications for Hong Kong. In. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.

We found no data on the average number of years lived by people living with dementia.

In Kenya, the average life expectancy is 66.7 years  (64.4 years for males and 68.9 years for females) (World Health Rankings, 2018). The average life expectancy for persons with dementia in Kenya is not yet available.  However, it varies depending on the type and of dementia, its severity at the time of diagnosis, age, sex, and general health (Brodaty et al., 2012). For instance, the life expectancy for a person with Alzheimer’s disease can vary between 3 to 10 years. Since the main predictor is age, caregiver and providers should plan on a median life span of between 7 to 10 years for persons whose diagnosis was made while in their early 60’s or 70’s and three years or less for those diagnosed at the age of around 90 years (Zanetti et al., 2009).


Brodaty, H., Seeher, K., & Gibson, L. (2012). Dementia time to death: A systematic literature review on survival time and years of life lost in people with dementia. International Psychogeriatrics, 24(7), 1034-1045.

World Health Rankings. (2018). Health Profile: Kenya.

Zanetti, O., Solerte, S. B., & Cantoni, F. (2009). Life expectancy in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 49, 237–243.

No data is yet available.