DESK REVIEWS | 05.08. About public awareness campaigns and dementia, have these (or earlier) campaigns been evaluated? Is there evidence of impact?

DESK REVIEW | 05.08. About public awareness campaigns and dementia, have these (or earlier) campaigns been evaluated? Is there evidence of impact?

No. Only in terms of how much the topic “Alzheimer’s Disease” is accessed on Google during the campaigns in September.

One of the major goals of the 3-year Dementia Friendly Community Campaign is to have 10,000 individuals from the general public to register as Dementia Friends Hong Kong during 2019 – 2021. As of March 2020, there have already been over 15,400 Dementia Friends in Hong Kong, which has far exceeded its targeted number (Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association, 2020a). Other than the number of registered Dementia Friends, there is no other source of evaluation or evidence of impact identified.


Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association. (2020a). Dementia Friends Hong Kong. Retrieved from

Most of the public awareness campaigns were conducted out of funds mobilised by ARDSI and, thus, no impact study was conducted. Two campaigns conducted by the ARDSI national office in Kerala had local state funding as part of the Kerala State Initiative on Dementia (KSID project) (Social Justice Department and ARDSI, 2014). Feedback was collected at some of the sites where the project was implemented; however, these records are not publicly available.


Social Justice Department and ARDSI (2014). Kerala State Initiative on Dementia. Alzheimer’s Disease International.

We have learnt from Alzheimer Indonesia that an impact evaluation project is currently taking place and is expected to provide results around the end of 2020.

There has not been formal evaluation for the campaigns. However, the awareness campaign that was held in local dialect (Kikuyu), had a greater number of views in YouTube (17,000) than the campaigns that were held in English language, which had about 1,000 views each. There was also more feedback on the awareness campaign held in kikuyu language (Alzheimer’s & Dementia Organization Kenya (ADOK), 2018). From preliminary discussions, STRiDE Kenya intervention revealed an increased interest among Community Health Workers in expanding coverage to target more community members.


Alzheimer’s & Dementia Organization Kenya (ADOK). (2018). World Alzheimer’s Day 2018.

No, the only campaigns mentioned have not been evaluated.