DESK REVIEWS | Can new clinical guidelines covering dementia be expected?

DESK REVIEW | Can new clinical guidelines covering dementia be expected?

No, there is nothing officially agreed about that. However, Professor Cleusa Ferri will try to review the guidelines developed in 2017 (Brazilian Ministry of Health, 2017c) through her work in the Health Technology Assessment Unit. The revision may lead to a new version that could be expected by 2022 or 2023.


Brazilian Ministry of Health. (2017c). PCDT Alzheimer. Brazilian Ministry of Health.

Not applicable, there is no clear information or no specific evidence could be found at the time of this desk review (March 2020).

The Indian Academy of Neurology (2022) is currently in the process of developing new clinical guidelines to support the diagnosis and management of dementia (Indian Academy of Neurology, 2022).


Indian Academy of Neurology. (2022). Home. IAN. Available from:

Yes, as the PERDOSSI clinical guideline was planned only to be effective until 2017 (PERDOSSI, 2015). However, no new guidelines have yet been published (27 February 2020).


PERDOSSI. (2015). Panduan Praktik Klinik: Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan Demensia. PERDOSSI.

This is yet to be determined.

This is possible in the long-term since there are already evidence-based guidelines that can be used in developing countries such as Kenya to identify dementia and support persons with dementia and their families i.e., the mhGAP which covers priority mental disorders including dementia (World Health Organization, 2016). New clinical guidelines could be developed but a feasible way in the short-term could be to adapt and adopt what is already available. A systematic review on the effectiveness of interventions for dementia in low- and middle-income countries that is in draft form (protocol published) (Salcher-Konrad et al., 2019) could identify what has already been tested and proven to be efficacious, for adoption in Kenya.


Salcher-Konrad, M., Naci, H., McDaid, D., Alladi, S., Oliveira, D., Fry, A., … Ndetei, D. M. (2019). Effectiveness of interventions for dementia in low-and middle-income countries: protocol for a systematic review, pairwise and network meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 9(6), e027851.

World Health Organization. (2016). mhGAP Intervention Guide version 2.0. Geneva, Switzerland.

No information to indicate this is available.

The NZ dementia Framework is still viewed as fit for purpose and a guide for DHBs to use in the development of their local/regional guidelines. Regional dementia pathways have been developed since the release of the framework in 2013 and are updated on a regular basis.