DESK REVIEWS | Dementia being included in another National Plan or policy, such as ageing, or NCDs?

DESK REVIEW | Dementia being included in another National Plan or policy, such as ageing, or NCDs?

There is no evidence about this question.

Not applicable for questions from to, as there is no clear information or specific evidence could be found at the time of this desk review (March 2020).

Yes, it is possible that dementia may come under future ageing, NCD or other state level plans.

The Ministry of National Development Planning is currently drafting a National Plan on Older People’s Welfare (Kementrian Koordinator Bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan RI, 2020) and dementia might be included in this plan.


Kementrian Koordinator Bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan RI. (2020). Tanggapan Terkait White Paper “Pemenuhan hak-hak lansia untuk hidup setara, sejahtera dan bermartabat.” Presentasi.

As mentioned earlier, the strategy on how policy change will be achieved, taking into consideration the length of time it takes for a draft policy to be finalised and proclaimed nationally and the suitability of where in the national governmental framework dementia is likely to receive sufficient resources requires review and evaluation of existing relevant policies, namely:

  • National Policy on Senior Citizens Green Paper (MLSS, 2018)
  • Persons with Disabilities Draft Sector Plan 2009-2030 (PIOJ, 2009)
  • National Strategic and Action Plan for the Prevention and Control Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDS) in Jamaica (MOH, 2013)
  • National Mental Health Strategic Plan draft (details not currently available). This document review is currently on-going by members of the GDO Oversight Committee, who will then consult with key stakeholders, including the Mona Ageing and Wellness Centre and the Ministry of Health.

Ministry of Health (MOH). (2013). National Strategic and Action Plan for the Prevention and Control Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDS). Available from:

Ministry of Labour and Security (MLSS). (2018) Green Paper: National Policy for Senior Citizens, 2018. Available from:

Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ). (2009). Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan Persons with Disabilities Draft Sector Plan. Available from:

The development of the training manual for community health volunteers on healthy ageing for older persons is likely to lead to a healthy ageing strategy which will cover dementia.

It might be included as an end-goal of NCD prevention and management.