DESK REVIEWS | 04.07.04. Do formal agreements and/or joint plans exist across sectors in government for people with dementia?

DESK REVIEW | 04.07.04. Do formal agreements and/or joint plans exist across sectors in government for people with dementia?

We could not find an answer for this. It seems that the topic has gained some attention among intersectoral working groups as the law for the dementia plan has been approved by the Senate. It is likely that, at some point, formal agreements and joint plans have been established for the implementation of the policy. Besides, it is possible to observe communication across sectors regarding policies to older people in general.

Formal agreements and joint plans exist and take place across sectors within the government for people with dementia. For example, the Government has launched the Dementia Community Support Scheme in 2017 to provide multi-disciplinary community support services through medical-social collaboration for persons with mild or moderate dementia and family carers. This scheme was steered by the Food and Health Bureau (FHB) in collaboration with Social Welfare Department (SWD) and Hospital Authority (HA) (Food and Health Bureau, 2017a, p. 25).


Food and Health Bureau. (2017a). Mental Health Review Report.  Retrieved from

The national strategy document declares the stakeholders across sectors responsible for providing care for people with dementia. Although the development of this document was led by the Ministry of Health, it supposedly serves as a joint plan. However, there is no care coordination pathway across sectors for dementia that can be found in this document (Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, 2015b). In the recently drafted National Action Plan of Older People’s Health for 2020-2024, the action plans and indicators are described along with the responsible stakeholders, and this will serve as an additional joint plan to the National Dementia plan document.


Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. (2015b). National Strategy: Management of Alzheimer and Other Dementia Diseases: Towards Healthy and Productive Older Persons. Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia.

Not applicable due to a lack of an established dementia care pathway in the public health sector.

There are no formal agreements.

No data is available as no care coordination mechanisms are in place.

Not applicable, see responses 04.07.01 and 04.07.02.