DESK REVIEWS | 04.06.02. Are they national or subnational standards/guidelines/protocols?

DESK REVIEW | 04.06.02. Are they national or subnational standards/guidelines/protocols?

The existing one is national.

This reference framework is a national guideline developed by the Government, more specifically, by the Department of Health (DH).

The PERDOSSI guideline is used as a reference by all neurologists practicing in Indonesia, thus, it can be considered a national guideline. To date (27 February 2020), no national guideline on dementia has been issued by the government.

No data was sourced due to an apparent lack of internal guidelines related to dementia within professional healthcare bodies and the public healthcare system.

The guidelines are developed by the Ministry of Health, through the National Centre of Technological Excellence in Health (CENETEC), which is a government dependence body whose objective is to provide information based on the best available evidence for appropriate decision-making on health technologies in health services in Mexico, through advice, coordination of sectoral efforts and the generation, integration and dissemination of information.

The NZ Dementia Framework (Ministry of Health, 2013) was released in 2013 for DHBs to use as a framework for the development of local/regional guidelines. Nine regional dementia pathways have since been developed, covering all 20 DHBS throughout the country.


Ministry of Health. (2013). New Zealand Framework for Dementia Care. Wellington Ministry of Health.

These guidelines are developed by the SASOP, to be utilised nationally by practicing psychiatrists within the private sector only.