DESK REVIEWS | Universal Health Coverage

DESK REVIEW | Universal Health Coverage


It is also important to say that the health policies on ageing in Brazil so far have prioritized a longitudinal approach, not focusing on specific diseases but on people’s functionality.

As mentioned in the Mental Health Review Report (MHRR), the Government has been providing a wide range of support for people with dementia and their family carers, including preventive, diagnostic, primary, specialist, and social care services. For subsidised services, they include community care, residential care, medical outreach, and respite services. It also provides dementia supplement for increasing professional staff and care facilities in day care units and residential care homes for the elderly (Food and Health Bureau, 2017a, p. 155). It also lists out the principles identified by WHO which include embracing the universal health coverage in accessing health care and social care services for people with dementia and their family carers (Food and Health Bureau, 2017a, p. 141).

The Elderly Services Programme Plan (ESPP) recommends the strengthening of service coverage for older people according to their age-related needs (Working Group on Elderly Services Programme Plan, 2017, p. 21).


Food and Health Bureau. (2017a). Mental Health Review Report.  Retrieved from

Working Group on Elderly Services Programme Plan, Elderly Commission of Government of Hong Kong SAR,. (2017). Elderly Services Programme Plan. Hong Kong: Elderly Commission of Government HKSAR Retrieved from

No data was sourced due to a lack of dementia policy in Jamaica.

Although it does not mention universal health coverage, it does describe the need to improve access to quality services, with timely diagnosis and treatment, as well as long-term care in the later stages of the disease.


Gutiérrez-Robledo, L., & Arrieta-Cruz, I. (2014). Plan de Acción Alzheimer y otras demencias, México 2014.

Not applicable as there is no dementia-specific policy or plan for South Africa.