DESK REVIEWS | Resources/budgets attached to specific targets/indicators?

DESK REVIEW | Resources/budgets attached to specific targets/indicators?

No information was found about that.

Not applicable, Hong Kong does not have any dementia-specific national document.

Please, refer to part 2 on health financing.

No specific operational resources were mentioned in the plan, but the seven action steps were meant to be backed up by increasing resources from both the central and local governments. According to information from the ADI website, the government aimed to invest approximately $105,000 during the first year, but no information could be found on the specific posts for this budget (Alzheimer’s Disease International, 2016). Several sources of funding at national level were mentioned in the plan: the national budget (Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Nasional), the regional government budget (Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Daerah), international organisations, NGOs and community-based organisations, private sector, and businesses, but there was no mention of the amount of funding from each of the sources (Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, 2015c).


Alzheimer’s Disease International. (2016). National Dementia Plan launched in Indonesia.

Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. (2015c). Strategic Planning Ministry of Health 2015-2019. In Ministry of Health RI. Available at:

No data was found since there is no dementia-specific national document in Jamaica.

No resources have been allocated towards the implementation of specific activities included in the Plan. The actions that have been carried out have been financed directly by the institutions and civil society organisations.

Not applicable, South Africa does not have a dementia-specific national plan.