DESK REVIEWS | 01.01. Population and demographic characteristics
DESK REVIEW | 01.01. Population and demographic characteristics
In Hong Kong, the Census and Statistics Department and the statistical units of various government bureaux and departments form the Government Statistical Service (GSS), are responsible for regulating and coordinating the network for the provision of statistical and geographic information. They also conduct statistical surveys and operating statistical systems for the production of social and economic statistics, including data series on population, external trade, commerce and industry, labour, prices, national income and balance of payments. In addition, they coordinate the Population Census every ten years since 1961 and the by-census is held between two censuses. The last census and by-census were held in June 2011 and June 2016 respectively, which are the most complete sources of sociodemographic information of the population. Besides, the Hong Kong Population Projections 2017-2066 not only presented population projections, but also made use of the most up-to-date information on fertility, mortality, and movement patterns of the population.
Population data come from INEGI[1], while population data projections come from the World Population Prospects of 2017, the latest demographic estimates and projections prepared by the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the Secretariat of the United Nations.
[1] In Mexico, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografia, INEGI) is an autonomous public organisation responsible for regulating and coordinating the national system of statistical and geographic information, as well as capturing and disseminating information about the country in terms of territory, resources, population, and the economy. It also coordinates the National Population Census, carried out every 10 years and inter-census surveys every 5 years. The 2010 Census is the most recent and currently is the most complete source of sociodemographic information in the country, describing the demographic, social and economic characteristics of the population. An inter-census survey conducted in 2015 aimed to generate updated statistical information on the population and housing in the country, which maintains historical comparability with national censuses and surveys.