10.05. Are there any capacity building initiatives for dementia research? For example, fellowships/scholarships or networks for building early career researchers in dementia? | Brazil
10.05. Are there any capacity building initiatives for dementia research? For example, fellowships/scholarships or networks for building early career researchers in dementia? | Brazil
08 Apr 2022
No initiatives specific for dementia were found. As a matter of extra information, research in cognitive impairment and dementia conducted by Brazilian universities (both alone or in partnerships with international universities) has increased in number and improved in quality in the last years. A study has shown that between 2003 and 2013 there was a 4.98-fold increase in the output of Brazilian researchers in cognitive disorders. However, even though this growth seems positive, the number is still low in comparison with international standards (Toledo et al., 2014).
Toledo, A. A. S. F., Nitrini, R., Bottino, C. M. de C., & Caramelli, P. (2014). Brazilian research on cognitive impairment and dementia from 1999 to 2013. Dementia & Neuropsychologia, 8(4), 394–398. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1980-57642014DN84000015