10.02. Has the government been allocating money specifically for dementia research in the last fiscal year? If so, how much was allocated to basic, clinical, social and economic research? | Indonesia

10.02. Has the government been allocating money specifically for dementia research in the last fiscal year? If so, how much was allocated to basic, clinical, social and economic research? | Indonesia

21 Apr 2022

No, research on dementia or Alzheimer’s or cognitive dysfunction could be identified after going through the publication lists, digital archives, research repositories, and future research agendas of 4 research institutions (Litbangkes, LIPI, AIPI, and DIKTI) (Alzheimer’s Disease International, 2019). In Riskesdas from Litbangkes, there is a category for non-communicable diseases, but it still does not include information on dementia and other cognitive decline conditions. The National Report 2018 from Litbangkes has a chapter on mental health but no specific subsection on dementia. In 2013, DIKTI (Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia) sponsored a trial on cognitive stimulation therapy in Indonesia through a scheme dedicated for early-career university lecturers (Komalasari, 2014; Nastiti et al., 2015; Triestuning & Sipollo, 2019).


Alzheimer’s Disease International. (2019). World Alzheimer Report 2019: Attitudes to Dementia. Alzheimer’s Disease International.

Komalasari, R. (2014). Domain Fungsi Kognitif Setelah Terapi Stimulasi Kognitif. Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia, 17(1), 11–17.

Nastiti, D. A., Khamdiniyati, N., Latisi, M. P., Aprilia, L., & Nessya, I. A. (2015). Pengaruh Senam Poco-Poco Untuk Melawan Dimensia. Psikostudia, 4(1). http://e-journals.unmul.ac.id/index.php/PSIKO/article/view/2268

Triestuning, E., & Sipollo, B. V. (2019). Cognitive Stimulation Therapy on Elderly with Dementia in Panti Werdha Pandaan, Pasuruan. International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy, 1, 139–144.