10.01. Is there a published government policy, statement or document detailing the government’s plan or programme for dementia research? | New Zealand
10.01. Is there a published government policy, statement or document detailing the government’s plan or programme for dementia research? | New Zealand
18 Sep 2022
The NZ Dementia framework released by the Ministry of Health in 2013, only mentions research once in the entire document when discussing governance considerations for dementia care provision by the District Health Board which “ensures that new models of care, good practice examples and research are shared locally, regionally, and nationally” (Ministry of Health, 2013).
The NZ Dementia action plan released in 2020 notes the need to “Increase investment in research on dementia, in particular on the epidemiology of dementia in New Zealand, on culturally appropriate ways of describing and approaching dementia for tangata whenua and within Aotearoa New Zealand, and on what works to support people living with dementia”
Ministry of Health. (2013). New Zealand Framework for Dementia Care. Wellington Ministry of Health.