09.01.08. Discount transportation fares | Mexico
09.01.08. Discount transportation fares | Mexico
13 Jul 2022
No universal transportation discount programs are in place in Mexico. However, older adults can register in the National Institute for Older Adults and get a wide variety of discounts (amount and type) with public and private institutions that have collaboration agreements with INAPAM[1]. Thus, they could get specific transportation fares/discounts (airlines, coaches) if agreements are in place. On the other hand, there are some states/localities that offer transportation benefits, for example, Mexico City where older adults do not have to pay for public transportation (buses, underground, etc.).
[1] INAPAM publishes a directory of all the services/institutions they have established agreements with in their webpage. Information is presented by categories of discounts: food, legal and accounting consultancy, education, culture, recreation, and sports; property tax and water services; health; transport; dress and home. For each category, there is a downloadable directory with information by state. Available at: https://www.gob.mx/inapam/acciones-y-programas/beneficios-test