09.01.01. Disability grants, pensions, old age grants, and any other form of cash benefits | Kenya

09.01.01. Disability grants, pensions, old age grants, and any other form of cash benefits | Kenya

04 Apr 2022

The government of Kenya, through the National Development Fund for Persons with Disabilities, has set aside funds for persons with disabilities including cognitive disabilities through cash transfers (National Council for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD), 2019). People who qualify for this cash transfer are those who are from extremely poor households and residing in a particular location for more than a year but are not enrolled in any other cash transfer program (Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, 2019a). The transfer value per month for each eligible person is 2,000 Kenya shillings (20USD).

  1. According to the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) act no.45 of 2013, subsection 38, a member is entitled to invalidity pension if he/she suffers physical or mental disability of a permanent nature as certified by a medical board established under the Act and has made at least 36 monthly contributions immediately preceding the date of invalidity (Republic of Kenya, 2013). Retirement benefits are paid from the retirement age of 60 years with earlier retirement being at age 50 (Republic of Kenya, n.d.).
  2. The government of Kenya provides Older Persons Cash Transfer (OPCT) for a Kenyan who is above 70 years and residing in a particular location for more than a year but neither receiving pension nor enrolled in any other cash transfer program (Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, 2019a). The transfer value per month for each eligible person is 2,000 Kenya shillings (20USD).

Ministry of Labour and Social Protection. (2019a). FAQs. https://laboursp.go.ke/faqs/

National Council for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD). (2019). National Development Fund. https://ncpwd.go.ke/ndfpwd-funding-summary/

Republic of Kenya. (2013). The National Social Security Fund Act, 2013 No. 45 of 2013. 27 December. Nairobi, Kenya. http://kenyalaw.org/kl/fileadmin/pdfdownloads/Acts/NationalSocialSecurityFundAct2013.pdf

Republic of Kenya. (n.d.). Legal provisions of the Pensions Act, Cap 189. The National Treasury Pnesions Department. Nairobi, Kenya. https://www.treasury.go.ke/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Pensions-Act-CAP-189.pdf