08.02.06. About the health impact of unpaid carers, is there evidence for aspects of both physical and mental health? | South Africa

08.02.06. About the health impact of unpaid carers, is there evidence for aspects of both physical and mental health? | South Africa

15 Aug 2022

Research in South Africa has shown that carers for persons living with dementia need substantial material (i.e., cash, food, transport) and emotional support, and that this need increases as the disease progresses (Gurayah, 2015). Carers of persons living with dementia are found to engage in more caregiving tasks than other physical chronic diseases and this was found to be linked to lower quality of life, higher anxiety, and depression (Gurayah, 2015).


Gurayah, T. (2015). Caregiving for people with dementia in a rural context in South Africa. South African Family Practice, 57(3), 194–197. https://doi.org/10.1080/20786190.2014.976946