08.02.04. Please describe the documented impacts on the caregiver of provision of unpaid care to people with dementia | Mexico
08.02.04. Please describe the documented impacts on the caregiver of provision of unpaid care to people with dementia | Mexico
13 Jul 2022
We have identified one peer-reviewed study on the burden carers of people with dementia experience (Rosas-Carrasco et al., 2014). As in other studies on informal care in Mexico, they found that providing care for someone with dementia has a negative impact by increasing risk of burden. Results showed that variables relating to the person with dementia have a greater impact on caregiver burden than caregiver-associated variables. Specifically, dysexecutive syndrome (disruption of executive function, closely related to frontal lobe damage, encompasses cognitive, emotional, and behavioural symptoms), sleep disorders and low educational attainment in the person with dementia were associated to a higher level of caregiver burden, while for the carers, the only factor that showed a higher risk or burden was for those with higher depressive symptoms.
Rosas-Carrasco, O., Guerra-Silla, M. G., Torres-Arreola, L. P., García-Peña, C., Escamilla-Jiménez C.I, & González-González, C. (2014). Caregiver burden of Mexican dementia patients: The role of dysexecutive syndrome, sleep disorders, schooling and caregiver depression. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 14(1), 146–152. https://doi.org/10.1111/ggi.12072