Employment, education, and other impacts | Indonesia Employment, education, and other impacts | Indonesia

21 Apr 2022

There is information about the physical and mental health impact that caregivers experience due to caring for people with dementia, but very little about the impact of caring on the caregivers’ other life aspects. Yuniati (2017) finds that caregivers of older people with declining cognitive function had to change and adjust their working hours or work-related travels and to reduce social activities (Hammad et al., 2019).


Hammad, R., Kurniasih, J., Hasan, N. F., Dengen, C. N., & Kusrini, K. (2019). Prototipe Machine Learning Untuk Prognosis Penyakit Demensia (The Prototype of Machine Learning for The Prognosis of Dementia). JURNAL IPTEKKOM : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan & Teknologi Informasi, 21(1), 17. https://doi.org/10.33164/iptekkom.21.1.2019.17-29

Yuniati, F. (2017). Pengalaman Caregiver dalam Merawat Lanjut Usia dengan Penurunan Daya Ingat. Jurnal Bahana Kesehatan Masarakat, 1(1), 27–42.