Psychosocial support for carers | Indonesia Psychosocial support for carers | Indonesia
21 Apr 2022
There is no systematic psychosocial support from the government for unpaid or family caregivers in Indonesia. However, it is worth noting that there is a non-governmental organisation working to support dementia caregivers in Indonesia such as Alzheimer Indonesia and Perkumpulan Asuhan Demensia Indonesia (PADI), which conducts events such as talks and seminars focusing on educating and improving capabilities of caregivers of people with dementia (Alzheimer’s Indonesia, 2019b; Perkumpulan Asuhan Demensia Indonesia, n.d.).
Alzheimer’s Indonesia. (2019b). Tentang Alzheimer Indonesia.
Perkumpulan Asuhan Demensia Indonesia. (n.d.). Facebook Page: Perkumpulan Asuhan Demensia Indonesia. Retrieved December 6, 2020, from https://www.facebook.com/916681961846086/posts/perkumpulan-asuhan-demensia-indonesia-padi-or-indonesian-society-of-dementia-car/1054667844714163/