08.01.05. What information is available on the socio-economic status of informal care workers? | New Zealand
08.01.05. What information is available on the socio-economic status of informal care workers? | New Zealand
18 Sep 2022
Those providing care are:
- More likely to receive government assistance and less likely to receive income from other sources.
- Hold similar qualifications to the NZ population and are more likely to have higher skilled occupations.
- More likely to not work or work part-time, which accounts for most of the income gap.
- Women are more likely to reduce hours than men.
- Co-residential carers are less likely to be in paid employment.
- Households earn ~10% less (Welfare Expert Advisory Group, 2019; Grimmond, 2014).
Grimmond D. (2014). The economic value and impacts of informal care in New Zealand. New Zealand Infometrics. Available from: https://cdn.auckland.ac.nz/assets/auckland/about-us/equity-at-the-university/equity-information-staff/information-for-carers/The%20economic%20value%20of%20informal%20care%20in%20New%20Zealand%20Final%20copy.pdf.
Welfare Expert Advisory Group. (2019). Current state: Carers of people with health conditions or disabilities. Wellington: Welfare Expert Advisory Group. Available from: http://www.weag.govt.nz/assets/documents/WEAG-report/background-documents/9513d6b9b0/Carers-of-HCD-010419.pdf.