08.01.04. Does migration (within and between countries) play a role in the availability of informal care workers? What are the migration patterns? | Kenya

08.01.04. Does migration (within and between countries) play a role in the availability of informal care workers? What are the migration patterns? | Kenya

04 Apr 2022

Rural to urban migration in search of better opportunities for informal care givers or young women may result in minimal workers available to take care of a person especially with late-onset dementia. This could consequently  lead to reduced quality of care for persons with dementia (World Health Organization, 2017c) because of involvement of the available family carers in other household activities. Rural to urban migration for family members may create employment opportunities for informal care givers. However, many of the available domestic workers (untrained but informally given the role of care giving) may not be willing to take care of a person with dementia due to neurological decline and the progressive nature of the disease.


World Health Organization. (2017c). WHO series on long-term care: Towards long-term care systems in sub-Saharan Africa. Geneva, Switzerland. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241513388