08.01.03. Please describe the socio-demographic characteristics of informal carers | Indonesia

08.01.03. Please describe the socio-demographic characteristics of informal carers | Indonesia

21 Apr 2022

In Indonesia, the main primary caregivers for older women are their biological children, while for Indonesian older men, their primary carers are their wives (Magnani & Rammohan, 2006). Data from Indonesian Family Life Survey 2000 shows that unpaid Indonesian caregivers are predominantly women (54.3%), Moslem (88.5%) – of these, 49.6% are married and 41.4% are educated until senior high school or college level (Hoang et al., 2012). Alzheimer’s Indonesia survey found that 74% of family caregiver are the children of the person with dementia, while spouse makes up 10% (Turana et al., n.d.).


Hoang, L. A., Yeoh, B. S., & Wattie, A. marie. (2012). Transnational labour migration and the politics of care in the Southeast Asian family. Geoforum https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3437558/

Magnani, E., & Rammohan, A. (2006). The effect of elderly care and female labour supply in Indonesia. May, 1–33.

Turana, Y., Sani, T. P., & Konny, L. (n.d.). Economic Costs of Dementia in Indonesia.