07.05.06. Does technology play a role in dementia care? | India
07.05.06. Does technology play a role in dementia care? | India
08 Jul 2022
There are GPS tracking devices, such as the GPS SmartSole, which is a sole insert for shoes that uses GPS and cellular technology to provide regular data updates (every 10 minutes) on the user’s location (Kim et al., 2017). Likewise, SafeWander is a bed exit alarm sensor that detects changes in body position and alerts caregivers if the person with dementia is about to leave his or her bed (Kim et al., 2017). Similar assistive technologies are available for dementia care on the Indian market. The devices are generally expensive and require maintenance and administration by family members/caregivers.
Nevertheless, technology plays a vital role in dementia care. The portal for old age solutions is a part of the Technology Initiative for Disabled and Elderly, an initiative of the Ministry of Science and Technology and created by All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi (Portal on Technology Initiative for Disabled and Elderly, n.d.). This portal provides significant information on various aspects such as health, nutritional requirements, recreation, environment, networking and assistive devices for the ageing (Portal on Technology Initiative for Disabled and Elderly, n.d.). In addition, DemClinic launched by Nightingales Medical Trust (NMT) in association with ARDSI Bangalore, is the first of its kind offering a telemedicine expert-led cognitive assessment platform for the elderly to increase access to dementia screening, diagnosis, and care (Nightingales Medical Trust, n.d.). Also, the DemLink App by NMT aims to educate families of loved ones with dementia and provides access to care and support via a mobile app (Nightingales Medical Trust, n.d.). Furthermore, caregiver support is provided through platforms such as WhatsApp. The ARDSI Hyderabad ZBCHA WhatsApp group is one such example.
Kim, S., B, Toloui, B.O., Jain, S. (2017). Enhancing Dementia Care Through Digital Health. Available from: https://www.ajmc.com/journals/ajac/2017/2017-vol5-n4/enhancing-dementia-care-through-digital-health
NIGHTINGALES MEDICAL TRUST. (n.d.). DemClinic and DemLink. Available from: https://nightingaleseldercare.com/demclinic.html
Portal on Technology Initiative for Disabled and Elderly, (n.d.). Old Age Solutions. Available from: https://www.oldagesolutions.org/category/old-age-solutions-en/