07.04.10. Question 07.04.02 investigated the number of residential long-term facilities. Do mental health hospitals/institutions play a role in the provision of residential dementia care? | Indonesia
07.04.10. Question 07.04.02 investigated the number of residential long-term facilities. Do mental health hospitals/institutions play a role in the provision of residential dementia care? | Indonesia
21 Apr 2022
There are dementia patients in mental hospitals in Indonesia (PERDOSSI, 2015), although mental hospitals are not explicitly stated to be in the care pathway for dementia in the national clinical guideline (Wijayanto, 2019). For instance, in 2018 an older person was not allowed to embark on a pilgrimage trip to Mecca because of their dementia symptoms and was referred to a mental hospital (BPJS Kesehatan, n.d.).
BPJS Kesehatan. (n.d.). Panduan Praktis Pelayanan Alat Kesehatan. 2938.
PERDOSSI. (2015). Panduan Praktik Klinik: Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan Demensia. PERDOSSI.
Wijayanto. (2019). Mengidap Demensia Berat, JCH Asal Gagal Berangkat.