07.04.07. Of the different types of health and long-term care facilities listed above, where such facilities are available and how many such facilities are available? | Brazil

07.04.07. Of the different types of health and long-term care facilities listed above, where such facilities are available and how many such facilities are available? | Brazil

08 Apr 2022

Long-term care institutions for older people are not evenly distributed throughout the country. In the South-eastern region of Brazil there are 57.6% of the institutions, followed by the Southern region with 20% of them (Camarano & Barbosa, n.d.).


Camarano, A. A. & Barbosa, P. (n.d.). Instituições de Longa Permanência para Idosos no Brasil: Do que se está falando? (pp. 479–514). Retrieved July 17, 2019, from http://repositorio.ipea.gov.br/bitstream/11058/9146/1/Institui%C3%A7%C3%B5es%20de%20longa%20perman%C3%AAncia.pdf