07.03.03. How are education and training programmes for members of the long-term care workforce delivered and assessed? | South Africa
07.03.03. How are education and training programmes for members of the long-term care workforce delivered and assessed? | South Africa
15 Aug 2022
There is no evidence found to suggest that PHC workers receive training on dementia. NGOs provide training to carers from LTC facilities as well as home-carers (although there is no information found that can describe the extent to which this occurs across public and private sectors). These training sessions (NGOs) are delivered in the form of short courses, for example Dementia-SA offers 1 day courses on (i) understanding dementia; (ii) unpacking the Older Person’s Act; (iii) communication and dementia; and (iv) activities for persons living with dementia (see https://www.dementiasa.org/training/). It is unclear from the desk review how these are assessed.