Geriatricians/Psychogeriatricians | New Zealand Geriatricians/Psychogeriatricians | New Zealand

18 Sep 2022

Table 49: Number of medical doctors, neurologists, and geriatricians in NZ

Total (#)
Public Neurologists 2015 (Ranta et al., 2015) 36
Geriatricians 2012 (New Zealand Parliament, n.d.) 72
Psychogeriatricians 2018 (Cheung et al., 2018) 50



Cheung G., Sims A., Copeland B., Collins C., Bharathan S. (2018). The third New Zealand Psychiatry of Old Age services and workforce survey. Australas Psychiatry. 26(4):405-9. https://doi.org/10.1177/1039856218765891.

New Zealand Parliament. (n.d.). Indicator 34: Specially trained physicians. Available from: https://oag.parliament.nz/2013/ageing/our-ageing-population-indicators/indicator-34.

Ranta, A., Tiwari, P., Mottershead, J., Abernethy, D., Simpson, M., Brickell, K., et al. (2015). New Zealand’s neurologist workforce: a pragmatic analysis of demand, supply, and future projections. NZ Med J. 128(1419):35-44. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26365844/.