How many people with dementia and their carers are served by NGOs? | Hong Kong SAR How many people with dementia and their carers are served by NGOs? | Hong Kong SAR

22 Aug 2022

No information regarding their profiles is available.

For subsidised NGO services, breakdowns in relation to dementia is not available.

For self-financing NGO services, for instance, in year 2018/2019, the Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association provided day services to 512 persons, early detection services to 356 individuals, family caregiver support and public education activities to 16,020 individuals, and professional trainings to 535 professionals or frontline workers in year 2018/2019 (Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association, 2019).


Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association. (2019). Annual Report 2018/19. Retrieved from https://87bdf434-9adb-480e-b8f9-9239b0ceb722.filesusr.com/ugd/85d328_ce8758bd23014cda850e2a487b7cb432.pdf