Has the association been involved in any policy development related to dementia? | New Zealand Has the association been involved in any policy development related to dementia? | New Zealand
18 Sep 2022
Yes. Both Alzheimer’s NZ and Dementia NZ have been involved in many policy developments related to dementia. Most recently, they have been involved in the development of the Dementia Action Plan 2020-2025 (Mate Wareware Advisory Ropu, et al., 2021). Alzheimer’s NZ also had input into the NZ Dementia Framework (Ministry of Health, 2013).
Alzheimer’s NZ has provided submissions on a range of other issues including the Health and Disability Review, The End-of-Life Choice Bill, and the Government inquiry into mental health and addiction (Alzheimer’s NZ, 2021).
Alzheimer’s NZ. (2021). Advocacy. Available from: https://www.alzheimers.org.nz/our-voice/policy-documents-and-submissions.
Mate Wareware Advisory Ropu, et al., (2021). Improving Dementia Mate Wareware Services in Aotearoa New Zealand: Action Plan. Available from: https://cdn.alzheimers.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Dementia-Mateware-Action-Plan.pdf
Ministry of Health. (2013). New Zealand Framework for Dementia Care. Wellington Ministry of Health.