If so, please indicate if they have (1) a national office; (2) sub-national offices or (3) both | Hong Kong SAR If so, please indicate if they have (1) a national office; (2) sub-national offices or (3) both | Hong Kong SAR
22 Aug 2022
The Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association has one head office located in Kowloon, one Institute of Alzheimer’s Education (IAE), and four regional day centres: Brain Health Centre (Lok Fu, Kowloon), Jean Wei Centre (Wan Chai, Hong Kong Island), Tseung Kwan O Integrated Service Centre (Tseung Kwan O, NT), and Gene Hwa Lee Centre (Tsuen Wan, NT) (Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association, 2020b).
Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association. (2020b). Services – Day Centres. Retrieved from https://www.eng.hkada.org.hk/day-centres