Are these community-based services available in certain areas only? | Indonesia Are these community-based services available in certain areas only? | Indonesia
21 Apr 2022
Community-based services, such as Pos Layanan Terpadu (Posyandu) Lansia (Integrated Service Post for Older People) are available not only in capital and main cities but also in rural areas. However, there’s still unequal distribution. For example, there are 52.450 Posyandu Lansia in East Java province, while 10 provinces in Indonesia (Aceh, Bengkulu, Gorontalo, Riau Islands, Lampung, South Kalimantan, Southeast Sulawesi, West Nusa Tenggara, Papua, West Sulawesi, and West Sumatera) still had no Posyandu Lansia in 2015 (Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, 2017). This suggests that services generally are more readily available in urban areas.
Since the annual cognitive screening for older people in primary care has been regulated in the new Ministry of Health bill (Ministry of Health Regulation No. 4/2019 on Technical Standard to Fulfill Quality of Basic Service in Minimum Standard of Healthcare Service, 2019), it should be available in all Puskemas (government-owned primary care centres) across country. However, considering that there are remote areas which are difficult to access by the Puskesmas staff, we have to see if this regulation is widely implemented across the country. So far, we were unable to identify data to confirm that community-based services are available in all areas.
Ministry of Health Regulation no. 4/2019 on Technical Standard to Fulfill Quality of Basic Service in Minimum Standard of Healthcare Service (Permenkes no. 4/2019 tentang Standar Teknis Pemenuhan Mutu Pelayanan Dasar pada Standar Pelayanan Minimal Bidang. (2019). (Testimony of Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia).
Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. Profil Kesehatan Indonesia 2017. Jakarta: Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia [Internet]; 2018. Available at: https://pusdatin.kemkes.go.id/resources/download/pusdatin/profil-kesehatan-indonesia/Profil-Kesehatan-Indonesia-tahun-2017.pdf