Assessment and management of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia | Hong Kong SAR Assessment and management of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia | Hong Kong SAR

22 Aug 2022

Yes. From the social care sector, to ensure better care and safety of elderly people with dementia, the Social Welfare Department has allocated resources to subsidise Day Care Units, which can provide assessments and dementia-specific services for people with dementia, including cognitive training, memory training, reality orientation, reminiscence therapy, etc (Legislative Council, 2017).

Moreover, the Dementia Community Support Scheme has enabled District Elderly Community Centres to provide support services for people with mild or moderate dementia and their carers. The scheme incorporates interventions targeting BPSD as an additional module depending on the needs of the service users.


Legislative Council. (2017). Support for Persons Suffering from Dementia and their Family Members. Hong Kong Retrieved from https://www.legco.gov.hk/yr17-18/english/panels/ws/papers/ws20171211cb2-452-6-e.pdf.