Are there protocols/bills (laws)/policies that outline who carries responsibility or is this depending on local practice/individuals? | Hong Kong SAR Are there protocols/bills (laws)/policies that outline who carries responsibility or is this depending on local practice/individuals? | Hong Kong SAR

22 Aug 2022

Not at the macro level, but yes for individual parties within their organisations. Each organisation, such as the Hospital Authority, the Social Welfare Department, and NGOs operated service providers, has internal protocols or practice guidelines regarding the responsibility of each type and rank of staff and when to refer cases to another department within the organisation or to an external party. Yet, there is no overarching protocol or policy guiding the development of these practice guidelines in the first place.

Mirroring on the seven-stage model for planning dementia services suggested by the WHO and the Alzheimer’s Disease International, the Food and Health Bureau has depicted the dementia care services in Hong Kong and the responsibilities of each party, reported in page 151 of the Mental Health Review Report (Food and Health Bureau, 2017a).


Food and Health Bureau. (2017a). Mental Health Review Report.  Retrieved from https://www.fhb.gov.hk/download/press_and_publications/otherinfo/180500_mhr/e_mhr_full_report.pdf.