07.01.06. Are there dedicated services supporting people with dementia after a diagnostic of dementia? | Indonesia

07.01.06. Are there dedicated services supporting people with dementia after a diagnostic of dementia? | Indonesia

21 Apr 2022

No, there are no dedicated services supporting people with dementia after a diagnostic assessment. However, first steps to develop these kinds of services have been made locally. The PERDOSSI guideline provides scientific recommendation regarding a variety of nonpharmacological approaches to dementia (PERDOSSI, 2015), but it does not advise where these dementia-specific services could be accessed in Indonesia.

In addition, there are several institutions offering dedicated services for people with dementia in Indonesia. These include the Adiyuswa Senior Day Care in Radjiman Wediodiningrat Psychiatric Hospital, Lawang, East Java (RSJ Dr. Radjiman Wediodiningrat, 2016), and RUKUN Senior offers a Dementia Day Care Programme in RUKUN Dementia Support Centre Cipete, Jakarta and RUKUN Senior Care, Sentul, West Java (RUKUN Senior Living, n.d.-a). General geriatric support services not specific for dementia are more widely available.

Furthermore, the private hospital chain Siloam has established a Memory and Aging Centre in April 2016 (Siloam Hospitals, n.d.). MAC claims to not only serve patients with dementia, but also as a place of development, medical services, research, which aims to be integrated with patient care in the long run (Handayani, 2016).


Handayani, I. (2016). Siloam Hadirkan Pusat Layanan Pasien Demensia.

PERDOSSI. (2015). Panduan Praktik Klinik: Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan Demensia. PERDOSSI.

RSJ Dr. Radjiman Wediodiningrat. (2016). Psikogeriatri – Klinik Daycare ADIYUSWA. http://rsjlawang.com/main/fasilitas/psikogeriatri

RUKUN Senior Living. (n.d.-a). Dementia Day Program. Retrieved September 7, 2019, from https://rukunseniorliving.com/dementia-day-program/

Siloam Hospitals. (n.d.). Memory Clinic.