07.01.05. Which health or long-term care providers are responsible for coordinating the care of people with dementia? | New Zealand

07.01.05. Which health or long-term care providers are responsible for coordinating the care of people with dementia? | New Zealand

18 Sep 2022

NASC agencies (Ministry of Health, n.d.) are typically involved in the coordination of care for people with dementia and the funding required for this. Those assessed in secondary care may get additional assistance from the multidisciplinary treating team to facilitate access to, and coordination of, services.


Ministry of Health. (n.d.). Needs Assessment and Service Coordination services. Ministry of Disabled People website. Available from: https://www.health.govt.nz/your-health/services-and-support/disability-services/getting-support-disability/needs-assessment-and-service-coordination-services.