07.01.04. Are there differences in diagnostic assessment according to geographical areas (rural/urban) and also according to other socio-economic factors? | New Zealand

07.01.04. Are there differences in diagnostic assessment according to geographical areas (rural/urban) and also according to other socio-economic factors? | New Zealand

18 Sep 2022

While access to diagnostic assessment in primary care is reasonably consistent throughout the country, there is a geographical difference in access to specialist memory service assessments for diagnosis and management of complex cases, with only seven of the 20 DHBs offering this dedicated service (Stone et al., 2019).


Stone C., Copeland B., Collier C., Cheung G. (2019). Memory clinic survey in New Zealand: a second look. Australas Psychiatry. 27(5):486-90. https://doi.org/10.1177/1039856219852299.