06.02.11. Is there a campaign to reduce the risk of dementia? | Indonesia

06.02.11. Is there a campaign to reduce the risk of dementia? | Indonesia

20 Apr 2022

In 2014, Alzheimer’s Indonesia (ALZI) in collaboration with On Track Media Indonesia and Juara Agency started the #JanganMaklumDenganPikun campaign to raise awareness and reduce risk of dementia. “Jangan maklum dengan pikun” means “Do not underestimate memory loss”. This campaign was supported by Grand Challenges Canada and resulted in various communication materials, including the 10 Tanda Demensia Alzheimer (10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s) video and leaflet (Virgianti, 2014). The leaflet lists the 10 common signs of Alzheimer’s disease, while the video has an additional explanation on how to reduce risks of dementia, for example, through routine physical activities of at least 150 minutes per week, consuming a healthy and balanced diet as well as mental stimulation, positive thinking, and engaging in productive, creative activities (OnTrackMedia, 2014).

In 2015, the Minister of Health issued a regulation on the management of non-communicable diseases. Based on this, the Ministry of Health launched the campaign ‘CERDIK’ to reduce risk of non-communicable diseases. CERDIK is an acronym of Cek kesehatan rutin (routine health check-up), Enyahkan asap rokok (eliminate smoking), Rajin aktivitas fisik (routine physical activity), Diet sehat dan gizi seimbang (healthy diet and balanced nutrition), Istirahat cukup (Enough rest/sleep), and Kelola stres (Managing stress) (Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, 2015a). Aligning with this campaign, the most current version of ALZI’s 10 Tanda Demensia leaflet includes CERDIK as the advice regarding risk reduction for dementia (Alzheimer’s Indonesia, 2019a).

In 2016, the national dementia strategy was launched. The national strategy has seven action steps, in which the first is ‘Campaign of public awareness and promotion of healthy lifestyle’ (Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, 2015a, p.25). This step has four activities, which are:

  • [To] ‘Strengthen the existing programs and creating new programs to promote healthy and productive older persons, [to address] risk factors, and protective factors, including healthy lifestyle
  • [To] Intensify healthy and productive older persons campaign
  • [To] Strengthen education program on older people in schools, community, occupational health programmes
  • [To] Promote cognitive health using [a] coordinated training model at the national level’.

Alzheimer’s Indonesia. (2019a). 10 Gejala Awal Demensia Alzheimer. https://alzi.or.id/10-gejala-awal-demensia-alzheimer/

Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. (2015a). Ministry of Health Regulation No. 67/2015 on Geriatric Services in Public Health Center (Permenkes No. 67/2015 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Kesehatan Lanjut Usia Di Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat). Kementrian Kesehatan Indonesia, 1–140.

OnTrackMedia. (2014). 10 Tanda Demensia Alzheimer. https://youtu.be/DymN8tviXEQ

Virgianti K. (2014). Alzi sebarkan info Alzheimer gandeng pemerintah. Satu Harapan. Available at: https://www.satuharapan.com/read-detail/read/alzi-sebarkan-info-alzheimer-gandeng-pemerintah