06.02.05. What is the average age of onset? | New Zealand

06.02.05. What is the average age of onset? | New Zealand

17 Sep 2022

In the absence of any prevalence studies, the calculation of the average age of dementia onset is not possible.

Cullum et al., (2018) reported on 1106 referrals to a specialist memory service and calculated a mean age of onset of 74.6 years. They also showed that the onset of dementia in Māori and Pacific people referred to a specialist memory clinic was 8.5 years and 5 years earlier respectively, when compared to those of European/Pakeha ethnicity (table 41).

Table 41

Ethnicity Age (yrs) (95% CI)
NZ European 79.1 (77.9 – 80.4)
Pacific People 73.9 (72.5 – 75.2)
Maori 70.6 (68.4 – 72.9)



Cullum S., Mullin K., Zeng I., Yates S., Payman V., Fisher M., et al. (2018). Do community-dwelling Maori and Pacific peoples present with dementia at a younger age and at a later stage compared with NZ Europeans? Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 33(8):1098-104. https://doi.org/10.1002/gps.4898.