05.08.05. Assistive technology to compensate for loss of capacity | Indonesia
05.08.05. Assistive technology to compensate for loss of capacity | Indonesia
19 Apr 2022
There has been no widely available assistive technology to compensate for loss of capacity. However, the DKI Jakarta province developed an electronic reporting system through an application called Qlue, where people can report problems encountered in the city, including if they are finding an older person who is lost (Jakarta Resmikan Pasukan Ungu Bantu Penderita Demensia, 2016).
Jakarta Resmikan Pasukan Ungu Bantu Penderita Demensia. (2016). BeritaSatu. https://www.beritasatu.com/kesehatan/387342/jakarta-resmikan-pasukan-ungu-bantu-penderita-demensia