05.08.04. Assistance with home modification | Brazil

05.08.04. Assistance with home modification | Brazil

08 Apr 2022

The Brazilian Ministry of Health produced guidance on home safety for older people, which is available on its Virtual Library Webpage (Brazilian Ministry of Health, 2018b). The state of São Paulo has adopted a “Universal Design” for guiding the construction of affordable homes and villas in the state. As part of it, there is a public document with guidance towards home adaptation aiming at including all citizens with special needs over the life-course (Government of the State of São Paulo, n.d.). Some manuals for carers also include guidance on home modification, for example, the Alzheimer’s Carer Manual (d’Alencar et al., 2010). Health professionals frequently provide guidance to patients regarding home safety. However, we could not find any document (widely-known by the population) with guidance towards home modification.


Brazilian Ministry of Health. (2018b). Casa segura para o idoso. http://bvsms.saude.gov.br/dicas-em-saude/2920-casa-segura-para-o-idoso

d’Alencar, R. S., Pedreira dos Santos, E. M., and Tebaldi Pinto, J. B. (2010). http://www.uesc.br/editora/livrosdigitais2015/alzheimer_manual_cuidador.pdf

Government of the State of São Paulo. (n.d.). Desenho Universal: Habitação de interesse social. Retrieved November 18, 2019, from http://www.mpsp.mp.br/portal/page/portal/Cartilhas/manual-desenho-universal.pdf