05.08.03. Accessibility of public transportation vehicles | Jamaica

05.08.03. Accessibility of public transportation vehicles | Jamaica

27 Sep 2022

Part X, section 40, subsections 1 and 2, stipulates that the Ministry of Transport and Works is responsible for ensuring that public passenger vehicles are accessible to persons with disability. Public passenger vehicles refer to “…any motor vehicle or any other conveyance for transport by road, rail, air or water that provides the general public with a general or special transportation service on a regular or continuing basis” (Disabilities Act, 2014, p.21).

Additionally, the Persons with Disabilities Sector Plan (PIOJ, 2009) states that: “The regular bus system in the capital city, Kingston, is not wheelchair accessible. However, four buses were designated by the Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) specifically for people with disabilities and [older persons]. These buses run heavily travelled routes and connect places such as hospitals, schools, the main shopping areas, and local residential communities. In October, two additional buses were added to the fleet…The Montego Transit Company provides a similar service in Montego Bay. Reduced fares are offered to [older persons] and people with disabilities travelling on public” p17.


Disabilities Act. (2014). Available from: https://japarliament.gov.jm/attachments/341_The%20Disabilities%20bill%202014%20No.13.pdf

Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ). (2009). Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan Persons with Disabilities Draft Sector Plan. Available from: http://www.caribbeanelections.com/eDocs/strategy/jm_strategy/jm_Persons_with_Disabilities_2009.pdf